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Supporter Spotlight - Meet Hannah


Published on April 3, 2020

Meet Hannah

Introduce yourself! Who are you and how did you hear about WAGEC?

My name is Hannah. I am a mum of two, based in Bondi, and director of Bondi Bubs Wholefoods (@bondibubs), a children’s food and nutrition brand.

I came across WAGEC on social media right when the Covid-19 crisis began to affect Sydney. I had spent a day stocking my pantry and stressing about having to home school my two kids. It was then that I thought I would reach out and try to help those who wouldn’t have easy access to food or a safe place to shelter in during this crisis. So, I contacted WAGEC and asked them what they might need. I threw the idea out to my mum friends, and this led to the Mums Grocery Circle; a giving circle where mums could help others mums in need, by donating a small amount towards weekly food deliveries to women’s shelters.

What does community mean to you?

Community to me is everything. My local neighbours, my family, friends and particularly my mum network are my ‘village’, and I am such a believer that it really does take a village. My community are a constant reminder of what is real in life. When all the shiny stuff is taken away, like in these unprecedented times, it is your community that are there with you for the long run. We have to look after each other now more than ever. The Mums Grocery Circle (our crowdfunding campaign) is all about mums helping mums in need. It’s success is proof of how strong the mum network is in our community, and how we have each other’s backs when times get tough. 

What strengths did you bring to the WAGEC community? How did you offer support?

I felt a bit useless in the face of this challenging Covid-19 crisis. I love to feed people, literally, so I contacted WAGEC, and some other women’s shelters, and put the idea out to my Bondi Bubs community to send them food deliveries. I also called on friends and contacts in the food industry to help find suppliers and set up a GoFundMe page for people to donate. Since then, the Mums’ Grocery Circle has quickly grown to include a broad group of Sydney and internationally based mums, all donating to help out other mums in need during this crisis. We have raised enough funds to send weekly food deliveries for the next two months to four shelters across Sydney, (covering approx. 4500 meals and 4050 snacks!). Our supporters are growing by the day! It’s been an easy, practical way to feel useful in these uncertain times and I think all our supporters have felt the same way.

What is something you are grateful for amidst these uncertain times?

I am grateful more than ever for the simplest but biggest things; a roof over our head, my family, our health and the food on our table.