This month we want to share a resource by the Building Movement Project called Solidarity Is. This project creates and shares tools to facilitate transformative practices and social change. We loved the Social Change Ecosystem Map which outlines the different roles individuals can take to contribute to a movement - we all have a part to play. Read more about Solidarity Is by clicking below, and take some time to reflect on the unique role you play in ending domestic and family violence in our communities.
Solidarity Is defines each of the different roles as follows:
Weavers: I see the through-lines of connectivity between people, places, organizations, ideas, and movements.
Experimenters: I innovate, pioneer, and invent. I take risks and course-correct as needed.
Frontline Responders: I address community crises by marshaling and organizing resources, networks, and messages.
Visionaries: I imagine and generate our boldest possibilities, hopes and dreams, and remind us of our direction.
Builders: I develop, organize, and implement ideas, practices, people, and resources in service of a collective vision.
Caregivers: I nurture and nourish the people around me by creating and sustaining a community of care, joy, and connection.
Disruptors: I take uncomfortable and risky actions to shake up the status quo, to raise awareness, and to build power.
Healers: I recognize and tend to the generational and current traumas caused by oppressive systems, institutions, policies, and practices.
Storytellers: I craft and share our community stories, cultures, experiences, histories, and possibilities through art, music, media, and movement.
Guides: I teach, counsel, and advise, using my gifts of well-earned discernment and wisdom.