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Thank you for standing against violence this 16 Days of Activism 


Published on December 10, 2024

As the 16 Days of Activism draw to a close, we’re reflecting on how proud we are of our community for coming together to stand against violence.  

Over the past few weeks, WAGEC have been attending and hosting events, delivering training sessions, running activities and sharing resources to give our community the tools they need to recognise, respond to, and support someone experiencing gender-based violence.  

It’s been a busy 16 Days! Here’s what we’ve been up to:  

Meet WAGEC’s Littlest Activists 

To start off the 16 Days, WAGEC’s All In project partnered with a local early childhood centre to bring attention to the rigid gender stereotyping that exists within children’s play and toys.  

Children participated in an activity where they sorted toys into boxes based on whether they thought that toy was for girls, boys or for everyone. The children had fun questioning each other’s choices and were delighted to discover that all toys could be put in the everyone box!  

This lively activity gave the children space to question unconscious gender bias and asked them to rethink some of the harmful messages they had absorbed at such a young age.  

Gender stereotypes create boxes that limit children and their learning, development and wellbeing. By challenging rigid gender roles and stereotypes when children are young, we can give them the tools they need to build bright, safe and happy futures.  

We Need to Talk

On December 4th we were delighted to host the third instalment of We Need To Talk. This event series is designed to give our community a safe space to build connections and challenge gender stereotypes, biases and inequality. The beautiful evening of good food and even better conversation was just what we needed to end 2024 on a high.  

Special thanks go to our friends at the Hive Bar for lending us the gorgeous venue, and to Moo Baulch, WAGEC’s Director of Primary Prevention and CEO of Our Watch for facilitating the discussion. The biggest thanks of all goes to all the individuals who came out to share their experiences, insights and wisdom with us all. Despite tackling some challenging questions, we left feeling connected, hopeful and re-energised – and we hope that you do too!  

Moo takes the Movement state-wide 

In a monumental 16 Days, Moo Baulch and her Primary Prevention team were at events all across NSW and the ACT encouraging the community and stakeholders to come together and stand against violence. From a Lunch and Learn with our partners at Pepper Money to Parliament House, Moo has been advocating all over for gender equality and encouraging men to join the movement.  

A massive congratulations to Moo and all of WAGEC’s staff for their mammoth effort this 16 Days of Activism, and for the life-changing work they do each day for the women and children in our community.  

16 Days and beyond 

The 16 Days of Activism are officially over for 2024 but our movement to end gender-based violence is far from finished.  

It takes a whole community to stand against violence each day to build safer futures.  

Here are some ways to take action and get involved:  

Thank you for standing against violence with us.