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We're here for you

We're the Women


Published on November 1, 2019

Over the past year, we have worked with the brilliant minds of branding agency, For The People to bring WAGEC’s brand identity into a new era whilst honouring our 42-year history. True to their name, For The People have given their time and talents pro bono, as a way to support our work with women and families in crisis. We could not be more grateful.

In October, we held an art exhibition called We’re the Women, which was inspired by our new brand identity and celebrated the heart of WAGEC - women supporting women. 16 leading female illustrators from around Australia each donated a bespoke artwork that celebrates WAGEC’s approach to working with women and families in crisis.

We’re the Women raised funds through art sales to support our work. Every dollar raised on the night, over $10k, will be going into our services that support women and their children. We are deeply appreciative of everyone who came to support us on the night and who purchased an art print or poster that will support the work we do.

Speaking of purchasing art! It’s not too late to purchase one if you haven’t had a chance yet. Many of the posters and prints are still available. Click here to get yours if you haven't already.

Plus, we now have super cool tote bags inspired by We’re the Women and designed by Emerging Designer of the Year Bec Cini. The bags are going quickly and we have limited numbers so get in now if you want one. We’d recommend getting a couple as gift giving season is upon us!

Click here to get yours now.