WAGEC are committed to the safety, wellbeing and empowerment of all children that we engage with in our services and community. We acknowledge the central role we play in upholding children’s rights and striving to prevent all forms of harm, abuse and neglect for children and young people.
We show our commitment by:
- Understanding that children have diverse needs and strengths, and their right to be protected is fundamental and our first priority.
- Building a culture and systems that recognises the responsibility of the Board, all staff, volunteers and people in our community to protect children.
- Being committed to preventing and reducing the escalation of child maltreatment by identifying risks early, and/or managing risks in proactive and evidence-informed ways.
- Having robust human resources processes that help to ensure our staff, volunteers, students and contractors are suitable, competent and supported to work safely with children, including requiring all staff and volunteers to sign a code of conduct that includes a commitment to children’s safety and wellbeing.
- Applying intersectional feminist and culturally responsive approaches by being respectful, collaborative and inclusive with families from First Nations, culturally and linguistically diverse, LGBTQIA backgrounds, or where there are accessibility needs.
- Being committed to providing and promoting safe environments for all children and include child safety issues in risk assessments for sites and programs.
- Recognising the right of all children and young people to have a say on issues that affect them, and value children’s and young people’s voices and perspectives. We actively seek their voices and participation so that they can develop to feel empowered and help to inform the way we work as an organisation.
- Having zero tolerance of child abuse or neglect. We will treat seriously all allegations and safety concerns, in line with our policies and procedures.
- Having robust policy, procedures and practice in place so that our board members, staff, volunteers, students and contractors can achieve our commitment to protect children and young people.
- Striving to always do better and continually improve the way we protect children and young people in our care.